Idées cadeaux personnalisés, DIY, QVT, team building, fresques, ateliers créatifs, … Annecy, Bordeaux, Chambéry, Clermont Ferrand, Dijon, Genève, Grenoble, Ile de France, Lausanne, Lille, Lyon, Marseille, Monaco, Montpellier, Mulhouse, Nice, Paris, Rennes, Saint Etienne, Strasbourg, Toulouse,… New York, Lisbon, Londres, Turin, Valencia, Bruxelles, …


Agility seminar coaching program

The Totem box Synergie is a global offer that includes a kit of material for activity and creative team building and a set of 6 activity programs to articulate the best according to your objectives.

The titles of the 6 programs are
- The agility
- The future
- Cohesion
- The responsibility
- The recycling
- The Chinese portrait

Each program stands out a bit in the process and experience to best match the theme.

On the other hand, everyone has a common goal: to build together a collective, collective, collective work of art to exhibit.
This ensures:
- the valorization of the participants
- a lasting reminder of the issues each time we review the table
- a beneficial impact on the decoration and quality of life at work

This is made possible because our method is based on a bespoke material developed by the brand MYARTBOX and the artist aNa. Each complete kit includes all the material but mainly offers an original work of art hand painted in the studio by the artist. Team building will consist in indirectly coloring the work so as to obtain an almost magical result.

The activity is very regressive and soothing. It is based entirely on a benevolent, non-cleavage, simple and transversal. It offers a very quiet place, which can be held outdoors and indoors.

The format can accommodate from 10 to 40 people per person and per kit in coaching. Up to 100 people in cocktail or event activity.

When the coloring is complete, we open the cylinder so that the whole group discovers its painting. We take advantage of this break to explain the artist's approach as well as the detail of his original drawing.

The final work measures 750x1500mm. It can be exposed in cylinder or flat.

The kit is available for sale alone or animated. From everywhere in France.

From 450 € ht the kit only departure workshop.
Shipping 110 € ht.
Evening entertainment: 150 € ht (max 3h)
Group coaching for seminars and team building: 300 € ht (max 3h)

Information: 06 45 10 61 93"

intelligence collective team building Grenoble Totem box art box management collaboratif Coaching agilité séminaire grenoble coaching cohesion